What to Know About Biden’s Crackdown on ‘Junk’ Fees

The White House is cracking down on so-called “junk” fees from banks, airlines, cable companies, and other entities.

These are surprise costs added to consumer bills, and they’re some of the most frustrating for unsuspecting consumers. Charges range from bounced check and overdraft fees levied by banks, to hidden fees consumers are forced to pay for cable, internet, flig…

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Ethereum Faces a Test of Its Ideals After the Merge

Last month, the blockchain Ethereum celebrated the successful completion of the merge, a long-anticipated technical update. The merge made Ethereum far more environmentally sustainable and harder to hack, and it laid the groundwork for the network to scale toward mass adoption.

But the merge has also brought at least one unintended consequence that critics argue threaten the whole premise…

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